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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Ehela – cassia fistula (pudding pipe)

Form of the tree: a small or medium sized upright tree. It is a beautiful object when in blossom with masses of yellowish flowers in long pendulous racemes.
Fruits: a pendulous, shortly stalked, black cylindrical pod, 30-60 cm long.

Medicinal value: pods are valued in medicine for their laxative properties. The bark and roots are used for treating heart diseases, fever and rheumatism. In treatment of rheumatic fever, the tender leaves are used as a mild purgative. A decoction of the flowers with milk is used for rat-bite poisoning.

Kohomba – Azadirachta indica (Margosa tree)

Form of the tree: an erect, small or medium sized, evergreen tree with long branches and a straight stem.

Fruits: small, ovoid – oblong, dark yellow in colour.

Medicinal value: all parts of the tree are being used for medicine. The oil extracted from the seed is a well known medicine for rheumatism and it is also used internally by women in pregnancy, fresh leaves are used for ulcers, washing wounds and medicinal baths.

Kamaranga – Averrhoa carambola (carambola apple)

Form of the tree: a small fine – foliaged tree with a rounded top

Fruits: fleshy, angular, Ovoid, borne in great profusion. They are juicy, sweet, acidic and amber colored when ripe. Sometimes used for making jelly, preserves etc. the juice removes stains from linen and also used for burnishing brass.

Medicinal value: fruit is used as a remedy for internal hemorrhoids. The seed is considered as a good anodyne for asthma. A decoction of the leaves and fruits are given to arrest vomiting.

Bilin – Averrhoa bilimbi (Cucumber)

Form of the tree: a small fine-foliage tree

Fruits: fleshy, drooping, large, oblong berries; contain potassium oxalate. The fruit is produced in clusters on the trunk and matured branches.

Medicinal value: a paste of the leaves is used for mumps, pimples and rheumatism. The fruit is used for hemorrhoids and fever.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Puwak - Areca catechu ( Arecanut)

Form of the tree: a straight palm with an annulate, slender, cylindrical stem. The thickness throughout the trunk is equal and grey in color. 

 Fruits:  ovoid, fibrous, scarlet, yellow or orange when ripe.
Medicinal value: fruit is used for diarrhea and the root is taken for diseases of liver. The nut is scraped and applied to ulcers.

Beli - Bael fruit (Aegle marmelos)

Form of tree : a large shady tree.

Fruits : a large globular fruit with a hard, woody but smooth, brownish yellow pericarp.

Medicinal Value : boiled unripe fruit, freed from fiber is a well known cure for dysentery, diarrhea,  piles and dyspepsia. The root, bark, juice of the leaves and the dried flowers are of high medicinal value.